Saturday, March 12, 2016

2 Killmails for my Slasher Shitfit (1 mil isk)

Read: I flew a shitfit Slasher into battle against unbeatable odds!!

The victim was a war target in EVE Online. He was in a venture with about 5 other WTs in the system. This was their home system so my default strategy was proper: Fly a pile of junk into battle.

My Shitfit Slasher

Shitfit slasher. Everything was T1 or cheap meta. Two scrams (because of +2 warp stabilization trait) and two sensor boosters. The whole thing cost around 1 million ISK before insurance paid out.

The Warp In

The plan was to provide a warp-in directly on top of him with my cloaky scout. He kept moving though, every minute-ish a new asteroid belt. For being in a venture he's pretty risk-averse! Meanwhile I was in a neighboring system waiting for him to be between my cloaky and the gate.


Once it all lined up I undocked, gated, and warped to cloaky @ 30km. First time I did that. Beautiful (it worked.) Right on top of him. Fast lock and the double scram kept him in place.

The kill was slow though. I mentioned using cheap meta guns? Well I also don't have my small projectiles trained up... so my autocannons took their time. I got them at the junk yard.

His venture popped. I locked and scrammed the pod. Got it! Once again, this will take a while.

I got the capsule—but not before two war targets arrived. A Tristan and Stabber. I was scrammed and webbed but it was too late to run. This was a DPS race (and somehow I won handily.)

Endgame analysis.

Killing the Capsule

I had never killed a capsule before (I'm a newb.) I assumed it would just pop immediately... but I think the small sig radius combined with my orbiting screwed up my DPS a lot. I suspect that I could've just hit "keep at distance", killed his pod, and gotten away clean without tracking issues.

Watching for Incoming...

I'm not a good pilot... and I got tunnel vision. I could've escaped with my shitfit Slasher but I went for the worthless capsule. He's in a venture; He wouldn't have implants to speak of.

Fitting related

There was an opportunity for an afterburner....but it's really an edge case. The stabber arrived to the scene first and got web/scram on me. I may have been able to wiggle out of scram and warp—but the afterburner would've slowed my lock possibly costing me the capsule opportunity.

Final Results

Two killmails for me... including my first capsule kill! The venture was worth about 2.5 million ISK. My Slasher was worth around 1 million. Insurance payout further slashed that price!

Oh and I got some much needed shootin' and flyin' experience.... plus that tactical warp-in right on top of him worked out nicely. Super happy!!

Fly safe? Fly cheap!

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